Current Weather Update From Grey Lynn:

Conditions Observed at 02:31 28/4/2024

Mostly Cloudy Night, Temperature 12.9°, Changing +0.2°/hr
Feels like 13°
Dew Point 10.7° (Humidity 86 %)
Wind is 1.9 km/h From the E Direction
Rainfall of 0.0mm in the last three hours

WEATHER FORECAST.. ( Updated At 8:45 PM 25-Apr-24 )

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Forecast For Friday

Mostly then partly cloudy with morning showers becoming less frequent

NorthWesterly winds becoming fresh South-SouthWesterly then South-SouthWesterly

High 20° Overnight Low 12°

Sunrise today at 06:57, Sunset 17:39


Saturday - Partly to mostly cloudy and cool with chance of a light shower, S-SW
Sunday - Mostly fine and sunny with a few cloud patches, Light ESE ~> NNE
Monday - Partly cloudy with chance of a shower, E freshening
Tuesday - Mostly fine with high cloud partly clearing, S ~> fresh SSW
Wednesday - Partly cloudy and warmer with some showers and rain possible, Fresh W-SW
Thursday - Partly cloudy and cooler with a few showers, SW