Grey Lynn Auckland Weather | |||
LAST READING AT TIME: 05:23 DATE: 16 February 2025, time of next update: 05:24 | |||
Current Weather | Partly Cloudy Night | Current Temperature | 17.9°C (64.2°F) (Heat Index 17.9°C ), Apparent temp 17.7°C |
Maximum Temperature (since midnight) | 19.3°C at: 04:18 | Minimum Temperature (since midnight) | 17.7°C at: 04:57 |
Average windspeed (ten minute) | 11.7 kmh (6.3 kts) | Wind Direction (ten minute) | ESE (110°) |
Heat Index | 17.9°C | Maximum Gust (last hour) | 32.0 kmh (17.3 kts) at: 04:33 |
Maximum Gust (since midnight) | 32.0 kmh (17.3 kts) at: 04:33 | Maximum 1 minute average (since midnight) | 25.2 kmh (13.6 kts) at: 04:37 |
Rainfall (last hour) | 0.0 mm | Rainfall (since midnight) | 0.0 mm (0.00 in.)--- |
Rainfall This month | 2.6 mm (0.10 in.) | Rainfall To date this year | 48.8 mm (1.92 in.) |
Maximum rain per minute (last hour) | 0.0 mm/min | Maximum rain per hour (last 6 hours) | 0.0 mm/hour |
Yesterdays rainfall | 2.6 mm | DewPoint | 15.9°C (Wet Bulb :16.7°C ) |
Humidity | 88 %, Humidex 22.4°C | Barometer corrected to msl | 1017.8 hPa |
Pressure change | -0.3 hPa (last hour) | Trend (last hour) | STEADY |
Pressure change (last 12 hours) | -1.1 hPa | Pressure change (last 6 hours) | -1.9 hPa |
Maximum Soil temperature (since midnight) | 19.8°C | Minimum Soil temperature (since midnight) | 19.8°C |
Current Soil temperature 19.8°C | |||
Current Indoor Temp. 18.6°C | |||
Current Indoor Hum. 57% | |||
Current solar | 0 W/m² | Current UV | 0.0 |
Maximum solar (since midnight) | 5 W/m² | Maximum UV (since midnight) | 0.0 |
Current 00:00 hours of sunshine today, current sky: Partly Cloudy Night | |||
Sunshine hours for the year: | 313:32 hrs | Sunshine hours for the month: | 114:45 hrs |
Current evapotranspiration rate 0.7 mm per day. Yesterday's reading 4.5 | |||
Lightning counts 0 since noon | |||
Time of last strike | 05:22:28 2025/16/02 | Counts in the last 30 minutes | 0 |
Auckland Airport, New Zealand (NZAA) 37-01S 174-48E 6M Feb 15, 2025 - 10:30 AM EST / 2025.02.15 1530 UTC Wind: from the SE (130 degrees) at 8 MPH (7 KT):0 Visibility: greater than 7 mile(s):0 Sky conditions: mostly cloudy Temperature: 66 F (19 C) Dew Point: 59 F (15 C) Relative Humidity: 77% Pressure (altimeter): 30.03 in. Hg (1017 hPa) ob: NZAA 151530Z AUTO 13007KT 9999 FEW030/// BKN035/// BKN065/// 19/15 Q1017 cycle: 15
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